Removable Appliances
- Hawley retainer
- Hawley wrap to soldered c's or adams
- Hawley wrap around the world
- Modified spring retainer
- Spring clip
- Lower Pro
- Shell Plate
- San Antonio wrap
- Upper/Lower bite plane
- Flipper with pontic
Special Appliances
- Saggital
- Swartz
- Cetlin
- TMJ appliances
- TAD specialty appliances
Fixed Appliances
- Arnold
- Tongue crib
- Distalizing appliance
- Fixed lower expanding appliance
- Haas
- Bonded Hyrax
- Lower lingual holding arch
- Lower fixed
- Nance palatal button
- Trans palatal bar
- Bonded lower appliance
- Fixed bite plane
- Quad helix
- Band and loop
- "W" appliance
- Study Models
- Rough pour models
- Impression pouring

- Acrylic nightguard
- Proform/Dual nightguard
- Custom Sports guard
- Soft nightguard
- Invisible retainers
- Three tray alignment system
- Pontic
- Acrylic tooth
- Acrylic tooth crib
- Bite plane
- Clasps - ball, adams, "c" clasps
- Expansion screw
- Piston screw
- Reset teeth
- Labial acrylic
- Fit Band
- Springs-
Mattress, helix, dbl helix, "s" - Posterior bite plane
- Soldered-
hooks, springs, spurs - Tongue crib
- Bonding brackets
- Carved brackets
For a complete list of products and prices, please contact the lab directly.